Leveraging Behaviors for Targeted Organizational Change

Introduction When we talk about organizations, we’re fundamentally talking about people — individuals united by a shared mission. In any business setting, it’s the behaviors of these individuals that weave the fabric of culture, influence productivity, and directly impact profitability. For a leader, recognizing the core importance of behaviors in shaping outcomes offers a pragmatic [...]

By |2024-05-15T16:01:08-04:00May 15th, 2024|Blog Posts, Change, Leadership, Teams|0 Comments

Feedback-Friendly Culture: Bridging the Divide Between Profit and Integrity

In the saga of Boeing's transformation from an engineering powerhouse to a cautionary tale of corporate missteps, a series of pivotal decisions mark the waypoints on a journey from industry leadership to a crisis of confidence. This journey began in 1997, when Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas, a move that not only expanded Boeing's footprint [...]

Want to Keep Your Employees? Delegate!

Do you fully appreciate the potential of your employees? According to a 2019 study by Bloom Leadership, 79% of employees quit due to a “lack of appreciation,” which included: Lack of career and professional development Inability to safely provide opinions and ideas about the organization Managers fail to delegate tasks to employees, thereby ignoring their [...]

By |2022-08-02T11:16:37-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Blog Posts, Culture, Leadership, Teams|0 Comments


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