Feedback-Friendly Culture: Bridging the Divide Between Profit and Integrity

In the saga of Boeing's transformation from an engineering powerhouse to a cautionary tale of corporate missteps, a series of pivotal decisions mark the waypoints on a journey from industry leadership to a crisis of confidence. This journey began in 1997, when Boeing merged with McDonnell Douglas, a move that not only expanded Boeing's footprint [...]

Beyond Surveys: Innovative Strategies for Measuring Organizational Change

In the dynamic landscape of organizational change, leaders often grapple with how to gauge their initiatives' effectiveness accurately. Traditionally, surveys have been the go-to tool, but let's face it—they're not everyone's cup of tea. In this piece, we're venturing beyond the conventional, exploring innovative strategies that promise a more holistic view of change measurement. From [...]

By |2024-02-09T12:25:48-05:00February 9th, 2024|Blog Posts, Change, Performance|0 Comments

How Your Organizational Culture Can Make or Break Performance

Why is your favorite coffee shop your favorite coffee shop? Is it as simple as the coffee? The price? Or is it that hipster music they play in the store? Is it the cute barista who writes your name in that ‘special’ way on your cup? Is it the fact that they use organic, conflict-free [...]

By |2022-08-02T10:48:11-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Blog Posts, Culture, Performance|0 Comments


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