In the latest episode of “Change@Work,” I had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of change and transformation with Chris Thornton, senior principal at Daggerwing Group. As we unpacked the intricacies of steering organizational change and avoiding common pitfalls, the conversation revealed essential strategies and personal anecdotes that illuminate the path to successful change management.

During our discussion, we explored how to realign change initiatives that have veered off course and tackled the ever-present challenge of measuring change impact without relying on endless surveys. A key highlight was our exploration of innovative methods to assess change readiness and effectiveness, which resonated deeply with listeners tired of traditional, survey-heavy approaches.

What truly set this episode apart was the blend of professional insights and personal revelations. My background in adventure sports, while seemingly unrelated, sheds light on my approach to change management—viewing it as a dynamic and sometimes unpredictable adventure where resilience and adaptability are key. This personal touch not only humanizes the process but also emphasizes the adaptability and holistic understanding necessary for effective change leadership.

The conversation also ventured into practical advice for leaders struggling with change implementation. We discussed the importance of direct and clear communication, the necessity of executive buy-in, and the strategic use of data to drive decision-making and track progress. The insights shared are particularly valuable for leaders looking to navigate their organizations through transformation with confidence and precision.

Listeners will find value in the practical tips shared, especially around the nuanced art of engaging all levels of an organization in the change process. The discussion highlighted the critical role of empathy and inclusivity, illustrating how these elements can significantly enhance the effectiveness of change initiatives.

I invite you to listen to the full podcast for a deeper dive into these topics. Whether you’re a seasoned executive or a newcomer to the field of organizational change, there’s something in this episode for everyone. Tune in to absorb the wealth of knowledge shared and perhaps discover how you can apply these insights to your own context.

Listen to the full podcast here and join us on a journey that transforms the “oh shit” moments of change into “oh yes” breakthroughs. Engage with the content, reflect on the insights, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re looking for tailored advice or wish to discuss potential strategies for your organization. Whether I have the bandwidth to take on new projects or not, I am always open to helping leaders navigate their path to successful change. Let’s connect and explore how we can work together to achieve your change management goals.