Thank You for Your Purchase
(and a BIG Congrats too!)
Thank you for your payment – your transaction has been completed.You will receive a receipt for your purchase in your email
(Please note: This will arrive in the inbox of the email with which the purchase was made) You’re About To Discover How to Transform into an Exceptional
Leader and Unlock Your Team’s Potential for Growth!
Here are your next steps:
Next Steps: Check Your Email Inbox
Within the next few minutes, you’ll receive an important email from me that will contain everything you need to get started with the 52-Week Leadership & Accountability Email Course.
This includes some short pre-work exercises to help me get to know you better, learn about your goals for this programme, and give me a better idea of how I can help you best throughout the 52-week course.
If you haven’t received that email within the next 15 minutes, please send an email to [], and I’ll make sure that you get it ASAP.
I’m excited to have you here for the journey, and I can’t wait to learn more about you, your team, and your goals for growth!
©Evolve, LLC 2021